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Dr. Leonard Mayer

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2221 Tomlynn St., Richmond, VA 23230

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FITT Rehab RVA Therapy and Training logo
Dr. Leonard Mayer

Client Testimonials

FREE Functional Evaluation for NEW Patients

Ronnie Pascale – Goal Keeper for the Richmond Kickers

A huge part of my return to another season as Goalkeeper for the Richmond Kickers, Honestly was my body. The last off season I started going to Capitol Rehab of Richmond and they did a phenomenal job. They kept me in one piece and I have felt better that year than I had ever felt in the past 5-6 years.” If my body wasn’t holding up, there’s no way I’d be able to do it again. Everything has been going great, I feel good,  and I had a great last 3 years of my professional soccer career.


Stanley Nyazamba – Soccer Player for the Richmond Kickers

I was kind of skeptical when I first came to Capitol Rehab of Richmond, mainly because I don’t like going to doctor’s and taking medications. However, coming to Capitol Rehab was a different experience. There’s no medication involved and everything is manual therapy and exercise based. I do not feel any pain in my knees and back anymore. When I am playing soccer, I feel I am moving better. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.


Russ Moon

My name is Russ Moon, I work in Executive Search for International Tax Professionals. I came to Dr. Mayer to help me reactivate my core and overcome some movement issues and the results have opened entire new avenues of performance to me.

Not to mention I feel so much better, fewer aches and pains, less fatigue….as I told someone today “If I had not experienced the power of his treatment I don’t know I would have believed the results….you can actually see a different during the actual session.”

These improvements helped me a reach a goal of Cleaning and Military Pressing for 2 reps Dual 48 kg (106 pound) Kettlebells. I could not have even imagined that a year ago, his work is effective and he has treated my wife as well. Same results, tangible improvement.

Best Regards,

Russ Moon


Dr. Diane Sinnatamby Moon

I have noted improved performance on my cardio work outs. I like to run, bike & swim. My performance in all 3 areas has improved tremendously. I attribute this to better posture, correct breathing technique & activation of my core muscles. I now have more energy & feel less fatigued, even though I am exercising more. I recently had major surgery. My post op recovery has been rapid & phenomenal. I am physically doing more than I ever did before.

I am thankful to Dr. Mayer & his team for my improved fitness level. They have helped my husband Russ & my mom too.

I would recommend Dr. Mayer to any athlete who is trying to achieve more, those recovering from surgery or medical illness or any musculoskeletal disorder.

Diane Sinnatamby Moon, MD.
Internal medicine, Infectious Disease


Kaestner McDonnough

In February 2008, I squeezed my left thigh with a 245 lb barbell. That thigh shrunk from 26 inches to 24 inches in 3 weeks and I had pain in my knees, ankles, hips, neck, back, arms, and shoulders. I could not make a tight fist with my right hand because my index finger was tender in the joints. When I walked there was a click in my right hip joint. I got very tired when I walked 100 yards.

I had been seeing a chiropractor monthly since 2000 when I hurt my back doing leg-press. I had been competing in master’s track and field as a sprinter since 1998 as age 41. When I got hurt in 2008, my chiropractor could not help me. I decided to get a massage to see if that would work out the pains. Berkley had just recently started at Capitol Rehab and suggested that I talk to Dr. Mayer because he is awesome.

At the end of my massage, I saw Dr. Mayer and told him my story. He told me that I have one leg shorter than the other, I am standing crooked, am not breathing right. He also told me that I can’t possibly run like that. I told him that I was running up to a month before this, but now I cannot walk 100 yards without stopping to rest. He told me that he could help me and to make an appointment.

Two months later I was back in competition and telling everybody about my sports doctor. He has also worked miracles on other people that have taken my advice to go see him.


Jennifer Cormier

In December 2011, I started experiencing a great deal of neck pain combined with limited range of motion in my shoulder. I expected it to heal on its own, but within a couple of weeks I headed to my doctor. She asked a few questions and prescribed pain medication, an anti inflammatory and a muscle relaxer. She explained that the anti inflammatory should help it to heal and I should see results in about ten days. I saw no such results. I couldn’t sleep and turning my head was difficult, which made me a pretty poor driver.

A friend suggested that I go to Capitol Rehab, which I promptly did. It was clear during my first visit that Dr. Mayer understood exactly what was causing my pain. He put my neck into a position, held it there and said that I would be able to move my shoulder. I tried and he was right. Amazing! Dr. Mayer gave me neck and breathing exercises to do on my own. My pain started to decrease and my range of motion improved considerably right away.

As a patient at Capitol Rehab, I have also had the opportunity to work with Justin, India and Russ. They have helped me to breathe correctly and to learn a better approach to exercise.

The vertebra in my neck feel different than they ever have before. I can run my hand along the back of my neck and tell that it is better aligned. My lower back also feels different and I know that it is because I am using the correct muscles to carry myself. I never expected to improve my posture. I went to Capitol Rehab for help with pain and range of motion. I have no pain, I have full range of motion and I have learned things about breathing and exercise that make me better than I was before the injury.


Deborah Smith

After experiencing her 2nd flare up, my teenage daughter was diagnosed with MS. The news was a hard blow to our family. My silly happy go lucky daughter became somewhat withdrawn and depressed. This 2nd flare up left her unbalanced and weak on her left side. The course of steroids that inabled her to regain all mobility after her 1st flare up, didn’t do the trick this time around. Her neurologist and MS specialist suggested physical therapy.

I sought a place that was good at what they do as well as place that had an inviting and pleasant atmosphere. We had earlier joined Golds Gym to aid in my daughtger’s mobillity and noticed Capital Rehab located inside. We were given a free consultation and was impressed with both Dr, Mayer and his knowledgeable and friendly staff. Most importantly, their flexible hours makes it possible for me to get my daughter to her appointments without having to miss time off from work.

Since she’s been coming to Capital Rehab not only has her balance and weakness on her left side vastly improved, so had her attitude. She and I look forward to her weekly sessions. My daughter has a renewed sense of optimism and knows that MS doesn’t define who she is. She’s just about back to her happy go lucky self again. Her current goal is to comfortably walk across the stage at her high school graduation this June in high heels shoes.

FITTrva Is Where Chiropractic and State-Of-The-Art Rehabilitation Come Together

Call us today and get on the path to feeling great.

About Us

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FITT RVA (Functional Integrated Therapy Training RVA) is a physiotherapy clinic treating patients with orthopedic and neurological conditions and athletes recovering from sports injuries. Our unique approach to sports medicine can help a wide range of conditions, from chronic and recurrent pain syndromes and sports injuries to frank neurological conditions such as post-stroke, cerebral palsy, and multiple sclerosis.

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2221 Tomlynn St.
Richmond, VA 23230

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