Isn’t Just for Athletes
Functional Integrated Therapy Training is where chiropractic and state-of-the-art rehabilitation come together.
Isn’t Just for Athletes
Functional Integrated Therapy Training is where chiropractic and state-of-the-art rehabilitation come together.
NEW PATIENTS: Call to book your FREE Functional Evaluation
Formally Known As Capitol Rehab
We’re Not Just For Athletes
FITTrva (Functional Integrated Therapy and Training) is a sports medicine clinic treating patients with orthopedic and neurological conditions as well as athletes recovering from sports injuries.
Our unique approach to sports medicine can help a wide range of conditions, from chronic and recurrent pain syndromes and sports injuries to frank neurological conditions such as post-stroke, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. Our office’s intention is to get you back to enjoying life as quickly as possible – pain-free and on your own terms.
From the moment you walk in the door to the time you walk out, you will be cared for by our friendly staff. You will receive a thorough examination and a personalized action plan designed specifically to meet your needs so you can get on the path to feeling great.
Our Services
FITTrva is a full-service, multidisciplinary clinic that combines diverse, state-of-the-art Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) rehabilitation techniques with the latest technology. We employ leaders in the fields of Chiropractic Medicine, Physiotherapy, and Massage Therapy, and we have regular Functional Integrated Therapy and Training (FITT) classes as well. We pride ourselves on working with your doctor and/or personal trainer.
Same-Day Appointments
Get on the road to total wellness by calling us at 804-285-4400 to schedule an appointment. If you went looking for us on the web, you’re probably in pain. We talk to people every day who are in a significant amount of pain and want to do something to correct the problem, rather than just masking it. Whether you’ve got back pain, low back pain, neck pain, herniated or bulging discs, headaches, limb pain, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, or even arthritis, we have the solution you are looking for.
Many of our patients have been suffering for a long time and have tried many other approaches, including injections and surgery. We’re different. Come in and let us show you how you can relieve your pain and learn how to stay that way, once and for all.
The FITT Concept

When you visit our office you’ll see this poster showing the various DNS exercises we employ in our individualized therapy.
The FITT (Functional Integrated Therapy and Training) concept is based on the fact that correct body posture and correct movement flow are defined by the body posture and movements of normally developing babies. During the first years of life, despite not being taught, healthy babies automatically develop the ability to maintain body posture and movement in space.
These motor skills are genetically predetermined and depend on the function of a healthy nervous system. Disturbance of the balance and stability of this system can be caused by undesirable movements, sports, sedentary work postures or as a result of orthopedic, neurological and other disorders.
How We Do It
We compare a patient’s posture and their movement patterns to the developmental models of healthy infants. This comparison then identifies the discrepancies that need to be treated with therapy. The FITT approach is based on the principle of exercising in developmental positions.
The emphasis is placed on a precise position in every joint and on the coordination of trunk-stabilizing musculature, which includes abdominal, pelvic floor and back muscles. Learning correct breathing techniques during exercise is also a vital component of FITT therapy as it is important for the patient to become aware of and master coordination of the correct breathing and efficient movement patterns.
The goal of therapy is to balance the effect of the internal forces of the muscles that act on the spine and the joints. FITT therapy is, both, “treatment” and an educational process that teaches the patient how to optimally engage spinal and joint stabilizers in static positions, as well as, during movement.
During therapy, the patient initially exercises under our guidance, in which we will correct their posture and movement. With time, the patient learns how to recognize and correct mistakes during exercising. The patient practices at home in precisely defined exercise positions and, as a result of these repeated and regular exercises, the patient masters the ideal movements. In an optimal situation, the patient then uses correct posture and coordinated movement during activities of daily living, at work and during sports.